The CW have pumped the breaks on their adaption of Wonder Girl.
First some context, the series was set to be based around the newest person to take up the mantle Yara Flor, the daughter of an Amazonian warrior and a Brazilian river god. The character can currently be seen in the Future State comic miniseries and will be featured in her own title later this year.
Writer Dailyn Rodriguez who wrote the pilot script for the project released the following statement:
“For all of those asking, Wonder Girl is not getting picked up at The CW. I was very proud of the script I wrote. Wish I could’ve shared the world I created, but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. Thanks for everyone’s enthusiasm. It meant a lot to me.”
Wonder Girl joins Green Arrow and The Canaries as another potential DC/CW project that won’t be going forward. Black Lightning and Supergirl will both be airing their final seasons this year while the rest of the Arrowverse shows have been renewed for next season.