We now know the line-up of the Sparrows, after learning of their existence in the season two finale of Netflix’ Umbrella Academy. The first...
Darryl Ley
1 min read
It looked more and more likely in recent months but we now know that Green Arrow & The Canaries isn’t going forward at the...
NANCY DREW Season Two Trailer
1 min read
The Mystery is once again afoot as Nancy Drew and her gang return for Season Two. Nancy Drew came out of nowhere in its...
APTN Announces New Service APTN Lumi
2 min read
APTN announced today that its innovative content streaming service, APTN lumi, is now available to customers in Canada. APTN lumi will be available on the Apple TV app on iPhone,...
Cancelled Too Soon – ENDGAME
3 min read
Endgame is a 2011 procedural drama starring Shawn Doyle which tragically lasted for only one season, first premiering on Showcase in Canada. The series...