Stephanie Hsu (Everything Everywhere All At Once) will star in Peacock dark comedy Laid as production begins in Vancouver. Laid is an adaption of...
RUN THE BURBS Season 3 Begins Production
1 min read
CBC Original Comedy Run The Burbs has begun production on season three. The Canadian Screen Award nominated show follows Andrew Pham a suburban stay...
The Trades, a new comedy from Crave, Rollercoaster Entertainment and Blink49 Studios has begun production in Nova Scotia. From the producers of Trailer Park...
CTV Comedy SHELVED Gets Premiere Date
2 min read
CTV Original Comedy Shelved, a new show from Anthony Q. Farrell, is joining the midseason schedule. Jameson Library has seen better days. While it’s...
3 min read
Children Ruin Everything the new CTV original comedy is set to premiere in the new year. The first episode airs on Wednesday 12 January...