Percy Jackson and The Olympians is set to premiere on Disney+ this December. The show which features the late Lance Reddick as Zeus filmed...
SHOGUN Adaption Filmed In British Columbia
2 min read
A new adaption of the epic novel Shogun will premiere as a limited series in 2024 on FX. Adapted from James Clavell’s bestselling 1975...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians has added Jessica Parker Kennedy (The Flash) and Adam Copeland (Haven). The show follows the fantastical story of Percy...
1 min read
Upcoming Disney+ series Percy Jackson and the Olympians has announced three new cast members. Dior Goodjohn (Head of the Class), Olivea Morton, and Charlie...
Vancouver Area TV/Film Productions In June
2 min read
We’re back and taking a look at some of the productions taking place this month in the Vancouver area. Percy Jackson and the Olympians...
PROM PACT Disney Romcom Filming In Vancouver
2 min read
Peyton Elizabeth Lee and Milo Manheim star in Disney’s teen romcom Prom Pact currently filming in Vancouver. The filming runs from 14 March to...